2015 Horsham campaign finances

Income rows with unnamed or hashed donors are where we are awaiting explicit permission to publish a donor's name.


Date Donor Supplier Description Value (GBP) Cash (GBP) Balance (GBP)
2014-06-24 James Smith GANDI International Domain registration -25.88 0 0
2014-07-30 James Smith Facebook Ireland, Ltd. Facebook advertising -16.66 0 0
2014-08-03 James Smith Ordnance Survey Leisure Ltd Custom constituency map -16.99 0 0
2014-08-05 James Smith Staples UK Limited Stationery -14.57 0 0
2014-10-07 James Smith North Horsham Parish Council Room hire -31.92 0 0
2014-10-14 James Smith Billingshurst Centre Room hire -31 0 0
2014-10-28 James Smith Facebook Ireland, Ltd. Facebook advertising -1.21 0 0
2014-10-28 James Smith Balcombe Parish Rooms Room hire -25 0 0
2014-11-04 James Smith Facebook Ireland, Ltd. Facebook advertising -0.87 0 0
2014-11-06 James Smith TS Foundry Ltd T-shirt printing -20.94 0 0
2014-11-11 James Smith North Horsham Parish Council Room hire -14.9 0 0
2014-11-13 James Smith Facebook Ireland, Ltd. Facebook advertising -2.2 0 0
2014-12-09 James Smith Facebook Ireland, Ltd. Facebook advertising -8.19 0 0
2014-12-09 James Smith North Horsham Parish Council Room hire -31.92 0 0
2014-12-15 James Smith Facebook Ireland, Ltd. Facebook advertising -1.81 0 0


Date Donor Supplier Description Value (GBP) Cash (GBP) Balance (GBP)
2015-02-24 James Smith North Horsham Parish Council Room hire -31.92 0 0
2015-03-02 James Smith North Horsham Parish Council Room hire -22.6 0 0
2015-03-10 James Smith Facebook Ireland, Ltd. Facebook advertising -14.84 0 0
2015-03-16 James Smith Facebook Ireland, Ltd. Facebook advertising -5.16 0 0
2015-03-19 James Smith Donation 50 50 50
2015-03-19 Donation 50 50 100
2015-03-19 Anne Taylor Donation 200 200 300
2015-03-19 Donation 10 10 310
2015-03-19 Donation 10 10 320
2015-03-19 Donation 10 10 330
2015-03-19 Samuel Pickard Donation 10 10 340
2015-03-19 Donation 50 50 390
2015-03-20 Stuart Harrison Donation 10 10 400
2015-03-20 Donation 20 20 420
2015-03-20 Donation 20 20 440
2015-03-20 Donation 20 20 460
2015-03-20 Kristian Glass Donation 50 50 510
2015-03-20 Donation 50 50 560
2015-03-20 Donation 10 10 570
2015-03-20 Donation 10 10 580
2015-03-20 Donation 10 10 590
2015-03-20 Donation 10 10 600
2015-03-23 Anna Donation 50 50 650
2015-03-24 James Smith North Horsham Parish Council Room hire -29.2 0 650
2015-03-26 Donation 15 15 665
2015-03-28 Donation 50 50 715
2015-03-29 Donation 10 10 725
2015-03-30 Horsham District Council Election deposit -500 -500 225
2015-03-30 Donation 10 10 235
2015-03-30 Donation 10 10 245
2015-03-30 Stephen Matthew Donation 20 20 265
2015-03-30 Edafe Onerhime Donation 10 10 275
2015-03-30 Michael Winston Dales Donation 100 100 375
2015-03-30 Philip Peter Donation 50 50 425
2015-03-31 Clive Walker Donation 20 20 445
2015-03-31 Donation 50 50 495
2015-03-31 Donation 10 10 505
2015-04-02 Donation 10 10 515
2015-04-02 Sally Kentfield Donation 25 25 540
2015-04-03 Donation 50 50 590
2015-04-03 Phil Venton Donation 500 500 1090
2015-04-04 Gianfranco Cecconi Donation 10 10 1100
2015-04-07 James Smith Facebook Ireland, Ltd. Facebook advertising -2.99 0 1100
2015-04-07 James Smith Billingshurst Centre Room hire -31 0 1100
2015-04-07 Donation 10 10 1110
2015-04-14 Donation 10 10 1120
2015-04-16 KEO PF.it Limited Crowdfunder fees -97.2 -97.2 1022.8
2015-04-21 James Smith North Horsham Parish Council Room hire -33.24 0 1022.8
2015-04-23 Foundry Press Limited Leaflet printing -1005 -1005 17.8
2015-04-24 James Smith Facebook Ireland, Ltd. Facebook advertising -17.36 0 17.8
2015-05-04 James Smith Facebook Ireland, Ltd. Facebook advertising -2.64 0 17.8
2015-05-07 Central party funds Transfer of remaining funds to party -17.8 -17.8 0
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